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Guidelines for authors

Society for Court Studies: Submission guidelines for blog posts

  1. The blog’s primary language is English and therefore we expect that most blog posts will be written in English. However, we are open to posts in other languages. This is contingent on having someone review the post in the original language.
  2. Blog posts must be no longer than 1,000 words, excluding title, footnotes and biography. We will consider longer pieces that can be broken up over a series of posts.
  3. Include a brief biography (approx. 100 words or less), giving your name (title if applicable), institution, and funding body if applicable. You may also give a brief comment on the wider project, eg. if the blog post is based on part of a doctoral thesis.
  4. You must agree for the blog post to be shared across the SCS’s social media channels. You may send us your Twitter handle, so that we can tag you in any promotional posts.
  5. Use endnotes where necessary – whilst we would advise you not to overload the post with references, all primary sources and direct quotations from secondary works, as well as use of ideas or arguments from secondary works, must be cited.
  6. No bibliography is required.
  7. All references must be in MHRA style. The formats (for endnotes) for some common items are: Monograph

Author forename and surname, Title (Place of publication: publisher, year of publication), p. 42.

         Edited collection

Chapter Author forename and surname, ‘Chapter title’, in Editor/s forename/s and surname/s (ed./eds),           Edited collection book title, (Place of publication: publisher, year of publication), pp. 30-50 (p. 42).

         Journal article

Author forename and surname, ‘Article title’, Journal title, volume number(issue number if given)                   (year of publication), 30-50 (p. 42).

In subsequent references, an abbreviated version should be used.

  1. All posts must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, not a PDF.
  2. Use page numbers, standard margins, double spacing, and a 12-point font size.
  3. For English language posts, quotations in other languages must include an English translation (either in brackets within the text or in a endnote).
  4. Your post must include at least 1 image. We encourage images as they engage the readers. Each image must include a caption (not included in the word count), giving the title of the image or a brief description, and its reference.
  5. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the appropriate permission to use any images, and that you are not infringing copyright. More information on UK copyright law can be found here:
  1. For any queries regarding the blog, please contact the Editor via with ‘SCS Blog’ in the subject line.

Rosalyn Cousins


July 2022